Mentors find that mentoring a younger student becomes life changing. They become the role model, they find that their actions have impact, they give back to the community, learn to be reliable and responsible.  

This wonderful program is designed to support unique one on one relationships, which has remarkable benefits for both the mentor and mentee.

One positive role model in a child’s life can truly have an impact on that child’s future. Young students learn to communicate, become more interested in school and get along better with peers and family. Studies show that students who are mentored are more likely to graduate. Social skills learned in the mentor / mentee relationship last a lifetime.

CMYMP is a private non-profit, funded by grants written by the director, fundraising events, and donations from local businesses and individuals.
The mentoring program is free of charge to both the mentor and mentee families. CMYMP provides food, crafts, games and coupons to local businesses to all our mentor / mentee pairs. 

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